Presenta is private for now

Common Questions:

+ What 14 days trial free means?

Once subscribed, you have 14 days to test the platform before pay anything.
After that, you'll be charged for the first month.

+ Why I have to add my Credit Card?

We want to focus on people that are truly interested in our platform.
Adding the Credit Card is a sign of commitment and not a big deal.
You can disable the service within the 14 days trial period, and you'll not pay a dime.

+ What is the difference between Pages and Documents?

Pages are different from Documents. One document can have multiple pages.

Pages is what we count to limit your plan.

I.e. 5.000 PDF by 1 page each is equal to 1.000 PDF by 5 page each.

+ Where can I find my Secret-Token?

It's in the email sent after the subscription.
If you have issues, write us!

+ How can I manage my subscription?

In the email sent after the subscription you may find all the relevant link to manage your plan.
If you have issues, write us!

+ What about Privacy and GDPR ?

We strongly adhere to the main GDPR principle: Privacy By Design.

This is our privacy-relevant tech decisions:

  • We collect ONLY the email and the name in our server. All the account information are handled by Stripe.
  • Our current end-point is 100% GDPR compliant, the document is sent to the user (or service) directly. Even if we want to, we cannot see it.
  • Did you notice? You didn't accept any cookie banner in this marketing site because there's no need to.
+ Will you add further plans and features?

We have a lot of ideas on how to extend the platform.
We're always listening our users for improvements and requirements.
If you have one, let us know!